“Using the past is as natural a part of life as eating or breathing. It is a common human activity. What we have in common as human beings is that we employ the past to make sense of the present and to influence the future. From this perspective it matters little whether “the past” consists of a 200-year-old narrative, an account from a textbook, a display at a museum, or a tale recounted by a family member over Thanksgiving dinner.” David Thelen – The Presence of the Past

Franklin County Courthouse 1952
The Franklin County Historical Society strives to gather, preserve, and share the history of our county. It is a history of aboriginal people who lived here thousands of years ago. It is a history of discovery and growth, a history of war and suffering. It tells us where we came from. It sometimes entertains us. It can guide us and help us make informed decisions about the future. We invite you to become a member and help us preserve this valuable resource. Contact us at historicalfc@gmail.com or call the History room at the Franklin County Library (931)962-1476.
Join us
The Franklin County Historical Society is chartered as a volunteer, nonprofit organization. Membership is open to anyone upon payment of dues which along with proceeds from publications sales, special projects, memorial gifts and donations, provide the funds with which we operate. Memberships are available in the following categories:
Regular $20
Contributing $30
Make checks payable to Franklin County Historical Society and mail to: Franklin County Historical Society, P.O Box 130, Winchester, TN 37398-0130. Questions? Call (931) 962-1476. Or, email historicalfc@gmail.com.
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